She likewise is an essayist however her acting vocation is unquestionably more prospered than her composing profession.

She has worked in numerous film sets and loves accomplishing the work in the film business.

Coney went to the school and discovered her enthusiasm in acting. Later on, she had the fortitude to examine acting in school also.

This is a direct result of that boldness she can appreciate a genuinely effective acting vocation today.

She has teamed up a couple of times with well known entertainer James Franco and they generally are extraordinary together.

Golden Coney is right now 28 years of age. She truly looks as youthful as she is and has a ton of possibilities.

She was born on October 14, 1992, as per a source on the web.

Golden was born and brought up in San Jose, California. She was and consistently will be a “west coast lady”.

Golden’s introduction to the world sign is Libra.

After her secondary school, Amber joined the University of Southern California and sought after a degree in the School of Dramatic Arts there.

After school, she truly put it all on the line and buckled down. She acted in the cosmetics division, closet offices in the film sets.

We don’t have a clue who her folks are. Notwithstanding, her sibling’s name is Paul Coney.

Coney isn’t on Wikipedia and likely that is the reason we don’t have the foggiest idea how tall she remains at.

Despite us not knowing her tallness, we can say she is a truly delightful woman.

We can’t state who her beau is. She has recently not spoken about her relationship subtleties to the media.

Golden has an Instagram record and she has 9984 devotees on the stage.